Welcome to the School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University


·     An Introduction to Geophysics (Undergraduates).

·     Rock Physics (undergraduates).

·     Seismic Data Processing (Undergraduates).

·     Geophysical Data Processing in Practice (Undergraduates).

·     Reservoir Geophysics (Graduates).

·     Progress in Geophysics (PhD).


Current students

·     Master: Rui Gong, Xueying Hu.

·     PhD : WenjunHe, Shuai Sun, Bin Li, Junguang Nie, Shuliang Wu.

Former students

·     Master: Song Wu, Chao Peng, Xuhui Chen, Jiao He, Jiqiang Ma, Luanxiao Zhao, Suwen Zhou, Ling Liu, Xueqi Yang, Peng Wang, Wei Gao, Axiang Xu, Minghui Fan, Zijing Gong, Xirong Yin, Geping Fu , Guoquan Zhang, Yan Wang, Wei Zhang, Mailikai Abodumaijiti, Xinchi Liu, Tao Huang, Jinji Li.

·     PhD: Yaping Huang, Jiqiang Ma, Wenjun Xu, Pengfei Yu, Jingkang Yang, Bo Zhang, Abid Muhammad, Liping Niu, Yingying Wang.

·     Postdoctors: Xiaoyu Yuan, Pengfei Yu, Xiaowei Fu. 

Master, PhD Students and Postdoctoral Position (2022-2023)

·     3-4 master, 3-4 PhD, 2-3 postdoctor.

Research Fields

·     Oil and Gas Reservoir Geophysics and Rock Physics.

·     Intelligent geophysical exploration.

·     Marine Seismic Exploration.

·     Gashydrate Geophysical Exploration.


·     Characterization of gas hydrate reservoir in the South China Sea (U20B6005-01), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/2021-12/2024.

·     Deep carbonate rock physics, SINOPEC-Northwest Oil Field, 01/2021-06/2022.

·     Estimation of oil saturation by deep learning, SINOPEC-Shengli Oil Field, 10/2018-09/2020.

·     Development of ocean-bottom-flying-node and its application to deep-water exploration (2018YFC0310100), National Key R&D Program of China, 08/2018-12/2021.    

·     Reservoir characterization by Deep learning, CNPC-Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, 08/2018-07/2019.

·     Estimation of gas hydrate reserve parameters (2017KZGL0118),Strategic research center of oil and gas resources, MNR, 04/2018-12/2018.

·     Seismic imaging of Mesozoic and Paleozoic complex geological structures in the South Yellow Sea (41630964), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/2017-12/2021.

·     Geophysical characterization of deep carbonate reservoir (XDA14010203), Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science, 01/2017-12/20212021.

·     Evaluation of oil and gas resource potential in Changjiang depression(2016ZX05027-001-008),National Science and Technology Major Project,2016.01-2020.12。

·     BZ35-2 oilfield reservoir characterization, CNOOC-Tianjin Oil Company, 06/2014-12/2015.12.

·     Seismic rock physics of tight oil reservoir, CNPC-Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, 01/2013-12/2015.12.

·     Improving of deep reflections in Bolang-Sumu structure, SINOPEC-Henan Oil Field, 06/2012-12/2013.

·     Deghosting and its application (41174106), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/2012-12/2015.

·     Seismic data acquisition and processing methods of Mesozoic and Paleozoic formations in the South Yellow Sea, CNOOC-Shanghai Oil Company, 01/2009-12/2010.

·     The key technologies of ODP site survey, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, 06/2008-12/2010.

·     Extraction of seismic attributes and hydrocarbon indicators of carbonate reservoir, SINOPE-Department of Science and Technology, 01/2008.01-12/2010.

·     Wave-equation-based prestack time migration, SINOPEC-Henan Oil Field, 06/2006-05/2007.

·     Simulation of gas hydrate accumulation in Dongsha area, South China Sea, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education of the people’s Republic of China, 01/2004-12/2007.

·     Wave-equation-based prestack time migration and illumination analysis, SINOPEC-Zhongyuan Oil Field, 06/2004-05/2005.

·     Gas hydrate seismic exploration technology, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, 01/2001-12/2005.

·     Rayleigh wave numerical modeling and nonlinear filtering, Shanghai Education Development Foundation, 01/2000-12/2003.

·     Wave-equation-based datuming, SINOPEC-Henan Oil Field, 01/2000-12/2001.

·     Sequence stratigraphy and sea level changes since Miocene in the Sunda shelf, South China Sea, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/1999-12/2001.

Recent Peer-reviewed Papers

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Caifeng Zou, Yuanyuan Chen, Wenlong Shen, Yirong Wang, Huaizhen Chen, and Jianhua Geng, Fluids and lithofacies prediction based on integration of well-log data and seismic inversion: a machine learning approach, Geophysics, 2021, doi.org/10.1190/geo2020-0395.1.

·     Benfeng Wang*,  Jiakuo Li,  Jingrui Luo, Yingying Wang, Jianhua Geng, Intelligent deblending of seismic data based on U-net and transfer learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2020.3048746.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Yirong Wang, Qiuliang Yao, Jianhua Geng, Hui Li, Hemin Yuan, and De-hua Han, Extended Gassmann equation with dynamic volumetric strain: Modeling wave dispersion and attenuation of heterogeneous porous rocks, Geophysics, 2021, 86(3):MR149-MR164.

·     Muhammad Abid, Liping Niu, Jiqiang Ma, Jianhua Geng*, Unconventional reservoir characterization and sensitive attributes determination: A case study of the Eastern Sembar Formation, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, Geophysics, 2021, 86(1): B1-B14.

·     Liping Niu, Jianhua Geng*, Xinming Wu, Luanxiao Zhao, Hong Zhang, Data-driven method for an improved linearised AVO inversion, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18: 1-22.

·     ZHAO LuanXiao, LIU JinShui, YAO YunXia, ZHONG Kai, MA JiQiang, ZOU CaiFeng, CHEN YuanYuan, FU XiaoWei, ZHU XiaoJun, ZHU WeiLin, GENG JianHua*, Quantitative seismic characterization of source rocks in lacustrine depositional setting using the Random Forest method: An example from the Changjiang sag in East China Sea basin, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2021, 64(2): 700-715.

·     LIU XueYi, CHENG JiuBing*, WANG TengFei, GENG JianHua, LIU YuZhu, Wavefield decomposition of ocean bottom multi-component seismograms with low signal-to-noise ratio, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2021, 64(2): 684-699.

·     Jingkang Yang, Jianhua Geng*, Luanxiao Zhao, A frequency-decomposed nonstationary convolutional model for amplitude-versus-angle-and-frequency forward waveform modeling in attenuative media, Geophysics, 2020, 85(6): T301-T314.

·     Yuan Wang, Zhiwei Li*, Jianhua Geng, Qingyu You, Tianyao Hao, Yaoxing Hu, Chunlei Zhao, Yan Zhang, Yuzhu Liu, Seismic imaging of S-wave structures of shallow sediments in the East China Sea using OBN multicomponent Scholte-wave data, Geophysics, 2020, 85(6): EN87-EN104.

·     Yingying Wang, Benfeng Wang, Ning Tu, Jianhua Geng*, Seismic trace interpolation for irregularly spatial sampled data using convolutional autoencoder, Geophysics, 2020, 85(2): V119-V130.

·     Muhammad Abid, Jianhua Geng*, Effective Attributes Quantification to Bridge Gap between Elastic Properties and Reservoir Parameters in Self-Resource Rocks, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 1-14.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Chenghao Cao, Qiuliang Yao, Yirong Wang, Hui Li, Hemin Yuan, Jianhua Geng, Gassmann Consistency for Different Inclusion-based Effective Medium Theories: Implications for Elastic interactions and Poroelasticity, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2020, 125(3): 1-19.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Yang Wang, Xiwu Liu, Jinqiang Zhang, Yuwei Liu, Xuan Qin, Kejian Li, Jianhua Geng, Depositional impact on the seismic elastic characteristics of the organic shale reservoir: A case study of Longmaxi-Wufeng shale in Fuling gas field, Sichuan Basin, Geophysics, 2020, 85(2): B23-B33

·     Benfeng Wang*, Jianhua Geng, Efficient deblending in the PFK domain based on compressive sensing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(2): 995-1003.

·     Pengfei Yu*, Jianhua Geng, Analytic Acoustic–Elastic Coupled Equations and Their Application in Vector-Wave-Based Imaging of Ocean Bottom 4C Data, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177: 961-975.

·     Benfeng Wang*, Ning Zhang, Wenkai Lu, Jianhua Geng, Xueyuan Huang, Intelligent missing shots reconstruction by using the spatial reciprocity of the Green function based on deep learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(3): 1587-1597.

·     Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng*, Acoustic-elastic coupled equations in vertical transverse isotropic media for pseudoacoustic-wave reverse time migration of ocean-bottom 4C seismic data, Geophysics, 2019, 84(4):S317–S327.

·     Benfeng Wang, Yingqiang Zhang, Wenkai Lu*, Jianhua Geng, A Robust and Efficient Sparse Time-Invariant Radon Transform in the Mixed Time-frequency domain, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(10): 7558-7566.

·     Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng*, Jiqiang Ma, Vector-wave-based elastic reverse time migration of ocean-bottom 4C seismic data, Geophysics, 2018, 83(4): S333-S343.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Xuan Qin, Jinqiang Zhang, Xiwu Liu, De-hua Han, Jianhua Geng, Yineng Xiong, An effective reservoir parameter for seismic characterization of organic shale reservoir, Surveys in Geophysics, 2018, 39(3):509-54.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Hemin Yuan, Jingkang Yang, De-hua Han, Jianhua Geng, Rui Zhou, Hui Li, Qiuliang Yao, Mobility Effect on Poroelastic Seismic Signatures in Partially Saturated Rocks with Applications in Time-laps Monitoring of a Heavy Oil Reservoir, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2017, 122(12): 8872-8891.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Qiulinag Yao, De-hua Han, Rui Zhou, Jianhua Geng, Hui Li, Frequency-and angle-dependent poroelastic seismic analysis for highly attenuating reservoirs, Geophysical Prospecting, 2017, 65(6): 1630-1648.

·     Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng*, Xiaobo Li, Chenlong Wang, Acoustic-elastic coupled equation for ocean bottom seismic data elastic reverse time migration, Geophysics, 2016, 81(5):S333-S345.

·     Pengfei Yu, Jianhua Geng*, Chenlong Wang, Separating quasi-P-wave in transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis by synthesized pressure applied to ocean-bottom seismic data elastic reverse time migration, Geophysics, 2016, 81(6):C295-C307.

·     Luanxiao Zhao*, Xuan Qin, De-Hua Han, Jianhua Geng, Zhifang Yang, Hong Cao, Rock-physics modeling for the elastic properties of organic shale at different maturity stages, Geophysics, 2016, 81(5): D527-D541.


·     Luanxiao Zhao, Caifeng Zou, Yuanyuan Chen, Huaizhen Chen, Fengshou Zhang, Jianhua Geng, A method of reservoir prediction with constraints of spatial variations under the framework of machine learning, 2021, China, ZL202010392227.0.

·     Luanxiao Zhao, Caifeng Zou, Jianhua Geng, Kai Zhong, Xiaowei Fu, An intelligent method of geo-fluid seismic identification by random forest algorithm, 2021, China, ZL201910653044.7.

·     Jiubin Cheng, Feng Zhu, Tengfei Wang, Jihuan Geng, A method and device for seismic imaging constrained by borehole logging and stratigraphic sequences, 2020, China,ZL201911351361.X.

·     Jinhua Geng,Liping Niu,Xinming Wu,Luanxiao Zhao,Jiqiang Ma,An improved high-precision AVO elastic parameter fast inversion method, 2020, China, ZL201811338695.9.

·     Benfeng Wang, Jianhua Geng, A method of seismic data deblending based on effective frequency- wavenumber domain, 2020, China, ZL201910542857.9.

·     Benfeng Wang, Jianhua Geng, A method of simultaneously deblending and trace interpolation, 2020, China, ZL201910543575.0.

·     Luanxiao Zhao, Jianhua Geng, Kai Zhong, Caifeng Zou, Jiqiang Ma, Lei Shao, Jingong Cai, Wei Wang, Xiaowei Fu, Xiaojun Zhu,A quantitative method of predicting clastic source rocks by machine learning, 2019, China, ZL201910440723.6.

·     Zhifang Yang, Luanxiao Zhao, Hong Cao, Jianhua Geng, Xinfei Yan, Liping Niu, Minghui Lu, Xirong Yin, A method and device for seismic predicting content of organic matte, 2018, China, ZL201810986726.1.