
同济大学 2024 年度“中国政府海洋奖学金项目”申请办法



中国政府海洋奖学金项目于 2012 年启动,由中国国家海洋局和教育部共同出资设立,主要用于资助南海、太平洋和印度洋周边国家和地区及非洲发展中国家的优秀学生和青年学者,来华攻读海洋及相关专业的硕士或博士学位,为区域内的发展中国家培养相关专业的高级人才,加强各国间的国际海洋合作与交流,促进区域海洋和谐发展。中国国家留学基金管理委员会负责该项奖学金的招生录取和日常管理工作


1.    申请人须为南海、印度洋、太平洋周边以及岛屿国家以及非洲发展中国家的非中国籍公民,身体健康;

2.    申请人须申请攻读与海洋相关专业的硕士或博士学位;

3.    申请人的学历和年龄要求:

申请攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄一般不超过 40 周岁;

申请攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄一般不超过 45 周岁。




1、硕士生:学制 2-3 学年,奖学金期限 2-3 学年。

2、博士生:学制 4 学年,奖学金期限最长不超过 4 年。


1)申请硕士相关专业中文授课需提交 HSK 5 级考试 180 分以上的证明。若无此证明,需补习汉语一年,奖学金期限相应增加 1 年。



1. 学费;

2. 校内住宿费或校外住宿货币化补贴;

3. 生活费(硕士生3000元人民币/月;博士生3500元人民币元/)

4. 综合医疗保险费。






https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login,留学项目种类:Type B;同济大学招生代码:10247)提交电子报名信息,并将生成的《中国政府奖学金申请表》下载后附本人亲笔签名。

2、网上报名:申请人登陆同济大学国际学生在线服务系统http://study-info.tongji.edu.cn)完成网上报名并下载打印《同济大学外国留学生入学申请表》并附本人亲笔签名。请将所有申请材料的电子版于 20241 20日前发送至pfliu@tongji.edu.cn邮箱。逾期不再接受新的申请。



奖学金申请结果预计将于 2024  5 月确定。我校将为录取者寄发《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201 表)。


地址:中国上海市杨浦区四平路1239号 同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院(邮编:200092





附件2:外国留学生研究生导师同意指导函Letter of consent from the graduate supervisor of foreign students.pdf

Call for Applications: 2024 Marine Scholarship of China

The Marine Scholarship of China for the year 2024 is now open for applications from November 20, 2023 to January 20, 2024(with all the online procedures completed).

The Marine Scholarship of China is jointly initiated by the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China (MOE) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.

I. Eligibility

1.      The applicant should be a citizen of non-Chinese nationality in good health, from a coastal/island country of South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and its surround island countries, or an African developing country.

2.     The applicant for master’s degree studies is required to have a bachelor’s degree of related fields and be usually under the age of 40.

3.     The applicant for doctoral degree studies is required to have a master’s degree of related fields and be usually under the age of 45.

II. Majors

Marine science, geophysics and other marine affairs related majors. The awardees will pursue postgraduate education mainly at: School of Ocean and Earth Science, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, College of Electronics and Information Engineering.

III. Duration of Scholarships

Master's programs: 2 to 3 years;

Doctoral programs: 4 years.


(1) For Chinese-taught master program, applicants should have passed HSK 5 test with score higher than 180. If the applicant doesn’t have valid HSK score, one-year Chinese language training will be required and the Scholarship will be extended for 1 more year accordingly.

(2) The longest period of Marine Scholarship of China support is 4 years.

IV. Scholarship Coverage

1. Tuition fee;

2. Free on-campus accommodation or off-campus accommodation monetary subsidy;

3. Living allowance (RMB 3,000/month for master's programs; RMB 3,500/month for doctoral programs);

4. Comprehensive medical insurance.

Note: Other expenses for study in China, such as international travel expenses should be borne by the scholarship recipients themselves.

V.  How to apply

Please see the attachment:2024 Marine Scholarship of China.pdf or visit the website of School of Ocean and Earth Science: https://mgg.tongji.edu.cn/mggen/main.htm.

VIContact Information

Add.: School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China

Tel: +86-21-65981816

Email: pfliu@tongji.edu.cn

Website: https://mgg.tongji.edu.cn/mggen/main.htm

For more information, please visit our website of International Students Office of Tongji University: study.tongji.edu.cn
