
2013年1月14日美国布朗大学Prof.Timothy Herbert学术报告通知


题 目: "Reading and mis-reading the history of the Plio-Pleistocene ice ages"

报告人: Timothy Herbert

地 点: 海洋楼一楼报告厅

时 间: 3:30pm, 14 January, 2013(Monday)


Timothy Herbert is a professor and chair at the Geological Sciences, Brown University.  He received B.S. in Geological Sciences from Yale College in 1980, and Ph.D. from Princeton University in Geological Sciences, in 1987. He was recognized for his research in the area of Earth Systems History and paleoceanography which has earned him a leadership role in the paleoclimate community. Many of his researchs were published in the Sciences, Paleoceanography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, et al.

Professor Herbert's recent projects include application of alkenone paleotemperature determinations to reconstructing El Nino conditions in the eastern Pacific, and to understanding drivers of Plio-Pleistocene climate change. He also work on developing new tools to scan sediment cores non-destructively, and applying orbital stratigraphy to solve problems in earth history over Cenozoic and Mesozoic time.

最后更新 (2013-10-24 17:13)
