


cjb1206 @ tongji.edu.cn


  • 教育背景

    2000.04~2003.10  同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院 地球物理学博士 导师马在田院士
    School of Ocean&Earth Science, Tongji University, Ph.D.
    Supervisor: Professor Ma Zaitian
    1997.09~2000.03  同济大学 海洋地质系 地球物理学硕士 导师马在田院士
    Department of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Master Degree
    Supervisor: Professor Ma Zaitian
    1993.09~1997.07  大庆石油学院(现东北石油大学) 勘查地球物理专业本科
    Received a BS in Geophysics from Daqing Petroleum Institute

  • 工作经历

    2017.03~  同济大学 海洋地质国家重点实验室 副主任
    Vice Director of State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University
    2013.09~2017.03  同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院 地球物理系 主任
    Director of Department of Geophysics, Tongji University
    2013.12~  同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院 教授
    Full Professor of Geophysics, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University
    2017.05  沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学物理科学与工程部,访问教授
    Visiting Professor of Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
    Invited by Prof. Tariq Alkhalifah, Seismic Wave Analysis Group (SWAG).
    2015.03~2015.04  沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学物理科学与工程部,访问教授
    Visiting Professor of Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
    Invited by Prof. Tariq Alkhalifah, Seismic Wave Analysis Group (SWAG).
    2014.02  沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学物理科学与工程部,访问教授
    Visiting Professor of Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
    Invited by Prof. Tariq Alkhalifah, Seismic Wave Analysis Group (SWAG).
    2012.04~2013.04  美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校杰克逊地球科学学院与经济地质局,访问学者
    Visiting Scholar of Jackson School Of Geoscience, and Bureau of Economic Geology,
    The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
    Invited by Prof. Sergey Fomel, Texas Consortum for Computational Seismology (TCCS).
    2008.07~2013.12  同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院 副教授
    Associate Professor, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University
    2003.10~2008.06 同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院 讲师
    Lecturer, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University

  • 教学与科研成果

    研究兴趣 | Research Interests

    My team focuses on seismic high-resolution imaging of the lithosphere and petroleum basin based on theories of wave propagation, imaging and inversion. Integrating with geology and rock physics and taking the advantage of artificial intelligence (e.g., deep learning) approaches, we develop novel approaches of data reconstruction and broadband inversion imaging for active- and passive-source seismic data. Through quantitative characterization of elastic heterogeneities, anisotropy and anelastic attenuation of the Earth’s media, we aim to breakthrough theoretical and techological bottlenecks of petroleum prospecting in deep-water and deep stratum, and study lithospheric structure and dynamics in Western Pacific as well.

    1)弹性全波矢量保真成像与多尺度反演应用 Elastic full-wave imaging and multi-scale inversion

    Novel description of wave propagation in anisotropic media

    P/S separation of multicomponent seismograms on free-surface or at ocean bottom

    Elastic body-wave mode decomposition in isotropic and anisotropic media

    Mode decomposition-based (least-squares) elastic reverse time migration (E-RTM/E-LSRTM)

    Mode decomposition-based elastic wave-equation migration velocity analysis (E-WEMVA)

    Mode decomposition-based elastic full waveform inversion (E-FWI)

    Mode decomposition-based elastic reflection waveform/traveltime inversion (E-RWI/E-RTI)

    P/S separation of the multicomponent seismograms using deep learning

    Seismic inverison based on deep learning

    2)超深层、非常规储层角度域全方位地震成像刻画 Full-azimuth angle-domain seismic imaging of petroleum reservoirs

    Azimuth-preserved local angle-domain prestack time migration for 3D anisotropic media

    Ray-theory-based angle-domain (Kirchhoff, Gaussian Beam) prestack depth migration and tomography

    Wave-equation-based angle-domain prestack depth migration and tomography

    Azimuthal anisotropy and fracture/stress characterization

    Basin-scale velocity-model building using geologic and rock physics constraints

    3)西太平洋地区岩石圈成像Seismic imaging of lithosphere in Western Pacific

    Earthquake/microseismic source location and mechanism

    Imaging of lithoshphere using regional and teleseismic signals

    Anisotropy investigation using shear wave splitting in sbuduction zones

    Seismic Imaging of the Manila Subduction Zone in South China Sea

    Seismic Imaging of Huadong Basin and the Ryukyu subduction zone

    4)高性能计算地震学应用Seismological applications of high-performence computing

    3D seismic imaging and waveform inverison on CPU/GPU/DCU platform

    High-performence computation for deep-learning tasks

    5)人工智能地震学应用Seismological applications of artificial intelligence

    Reconstruction of seismic data based on deep-learning

    P- and S-wave mode decomposition based on deep-learning

    Deep-learning based second-order optimization for reflection FWI

    主要学术贡献 | Representative Academic Contribution


    1)创建各向异性体波模式解耦的两种数学物理模型,夯实了多分量地震全波成像的理论基础:一方面以弹性波方程“解耦”为目标,建立以伪纯模式波动方程为核心的“标量各向异性”传播模型,摆脱了当前普遍采用的拟声波理论对横波的歧视。另一方面以全波矢量成像为目标,建立纵横波矢量分解的广义傅立叶积分方程及其高效算法,较系统地解决了各向异性体波模式解耦计算昂贵、传统弹性波成像受模式泄漏与转换波极性反转问题困扰等阻碍地震全波成像走向应用的一系列瓶颈问题。同行评价参见Feng & Schuster,2021 Geophysical Prospecting;Gao & Huang,2019 Geophysics;Pollitz,2019 JGR Solid Earth; Song, Fomel & Ying, 2013 GJI; Djebbi & Alkhalifah, 2014 SEG; Casasanta et al.2015 EAGE; Stanton & Sacchi, 2017 Geophysics; Sripanich & Fomel,2017, Geophysical Prospecting; Wang, McMechan & Duquet, 2018 Geophysics; Masmoudi & Alkhalifah, 2018 Geophysics等会议和期刊论文;

    2)提出以体波模式解耦为核心的弹性参数宽谱反演方法,显著提升深部地层弹性非均匀性地震刻画的分辨率:针对弹性波反演非线性强、多参数trade-off以及地震成像分辨率(中波数)缺口等理论难题,在敏感核与分辨率矩阵中引入模式解耦分析获得重要物理启示,提出的模式解耦预条件反演方法成为国际上解决上述难题的代表性方案;在模式解耦基础上分级拟合标量场反射走时、矢量场反射与全波形数据的多尺度反演方法,显著提升深层介质弹性非均匀性高分辨率地震刻画的可行性。同行评价参见Pan, Innanen & Geng, 2018 GJI; Wang, Hua, McMechan & Williamson,2019 Geophysics等期刊论文;


    4)发明面向非均质和各向异性储层的局部角度域方位保真成像技术,推动岩性油气藏勘探开发的技术进步:在国际上率先提出适应各向异性介质的叠前时间偏移局部角度域方位保真成像方法,建立了包括各向异性介质角度域高斯束叠前深度偏移、角度域弹性波逆时偏移以及角度域双差反射层析在内的技术系列;与产业界联合在塔里木和四川盆地开展应用,极大地提高了礁滩/溶岩/断溶型碳酸盐岩、裂缝型致密砂岩和页岩等岩性储层的地震刻画能力。同行评价参见Khaksar & McMechan, 2020, Geophysics; Sun et al. 2014 The leading Edge; Sun & Sun, 2015 Geophysics; Hao, Stovas & Alkhalifah,2016 Geophysics;Decker et al.2017 Geophysics等期刊论文;



    在研项目 | Current Projects
    Approach and application of elastic reflection waveform inversion based on P/S mode decoupling and Hessian operator:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42074157)

    Ultra deepwater ocean bottom flying node seismometer developing and application to petroleum exploration:supported National Key Research & Development Program of China(No.2018YFC0310104)

    [2]《面向E级计算的正演与偏移成像》,国家重点研发计划“高性能计算”专项“面向E 级计算的能源勘探高性能应用软件系统与示范”项目(2017.7~2021.6),课题负责人
    Seismic modelling and migration on E-level computational platform:supported National Key Research & Development Program of China(No.2017YFB0202903)

    Seismic imaging technology for deep reservoirs:supported the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA14010203)


    已结题项目 | Completed Projects

    Microseismic moment tensor imaging and inversion based upon elastic wave mode decoupling:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41674117)

    Seismic wavefield forward modeling in complex models for carbonate reservoirs of fault controlling dissolution:supported by the SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute

    Elastic wave mode separation and vector decomposition and their applications to full-wave seismic imaging in anisotropic media:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41474099)

    [20]《面向储层的地震全波形反演》,沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学竞争性研究项目(CRG3 #2230)(2015/07-2018/06),参加单位包括同济大学、美国科罗拉多矿业学院和英国Ikon石油公司,中方课题负责人
    Full waveform inversion of seismic data for reservoir attributes: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) under Award 2230 (2015/07-2018/06)

    Velocity model building approaches and software modules based on reflection tomography from topography:supported by CNPC CDEC Sichuan Geophysical Company.

    Theory and approach of elastic wave mode separation and vector decomposition for anisotropic media:supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (No. 14ZR1442900)

    Key geophysical technologies for prospecting the mid and deep potential reservoirs under complicated geological conditions in South Yellow Sea: supported by  the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. 1350219123)

    Anisotropic velocity model estimation by tomography using local angle-domain prestack migration data:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41074083)

    Azimuth-preserved angle-domain prestack time migration from irregular topography:supported by CNPC CDEC Sichuan Geophysical Company.

    Azimuthal angle-domain prestack depth migration approach for fractured media:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40704022)

    [9]《VTI介质叠前时间偏移与各向异性速度分析方法研究及模块研发》,中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司地球物理勘探公司,2009.5~ 2011.3,负责人
    [5]《时间域叠前深度偏移成像方法与技术研究》,中石化江苏油田物探技术研究院, 2007.2-2009.7,负责人

    论文  | Journals
    (* 标识通讯作者)
    Wang Tengfei, Cheng Jiubing* and Geng Jianhua. 2021, Reflection full waveform inversion with second-order optimization using the adjoint-state method: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(8), e2021JB022135. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022135
    Wencai Xu, Tengfei Wang, Jiubing Cheng* and Jianhua Geng, 2021, Hessian-based reflection waveform inversion: theory and applications to synthetic and field data: Geophysics, 86(5),R747–R762.
    Peng Zou, Jiubing Cheng*, 2021, Three-dimensional passive-source anisotropic reverse-time migration for imaging lithospheric discontinuities: Geophys. J. Int., 226(3), 2103–2115. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab201
    Ju-Won Oh, Jiubing Cheng and Dong-Joo Min, 2021, Diffraction angle filtering of gradient for acoustic full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 86(2),R173–R185.
    Feng Zhu, Jiubing Cheng*,2021, An extension of least-squares redatuming: Simultaneous reconstruction of overburden reflectivities and virtual data: in review
    Wencai Xu, Jiubing Cheng* and Tengfei Wang, 2021, Hessian-based elastic reflection waveform inversion: Geophysics, in review
    Xueyi Liu, Jiubing Cheng*, Tengfei Wang, Jianhua Geng and Yuzhu Liu, 2021, Wavefield decomposition of ocean bottom multi-component seismograms with low signal-to-noise ratio: Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 64(2), 684-699.
    Xueyi Liu, Jiubing Cheng and Tengfei Wang, 2021, Travel-time inversion for converted waves of ocean-bottom multi-component seismograms considering water-layer reverberation: CChinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 64(9),3316-3332.
    程玖兵*,王腾飞,徐文才,2021,地震反射波形反演二阶优化方法及其应用:地球物理学报,64(10), 3685-3700.
    Jiubing Cheng*, Tengfei Wang and Wencai Xu, 2021, Second-order optimization of seismic reflection waveform inversion and its application: Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 64(10), 3685-3700.

    Yang Yu, Jiubing Cheng*, Tao Yang and Sheng Ruan, 2020,Angle-domain differential reflection traveltime tomography: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters: 17(2),202-206. DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2920385.
    邹鹏, 程玖兵*, 2020,粘声方程Q值反射波反演: 地球物理学报,63(1),287-297.
    Peng Zou, Jiubing Cheng*, 2020, Viscoacoustic wave equation reflection inversion for the Q model: Chinese J. Geophys.,63(1), 287-297.

    Wencai Xu, Tengfei Wang and Jiubing Cheng*, 2019, Elastic model low-to-intermediate wavenumber inversion using reflection traveltime and waveform of multicomponent seismic data: Geophysics, 84(1), R109-123. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2018-0306.1.
    Chenlong Wang, Jiubing Cheng* and Wiktor Waldemar Weibull, 2019. Elastic wave migration velocity analysis preconditioned by mode decoupling: Geophysics,84(3), R341–R353, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2018-0181.1.
    阮伦*, 程玖兵, 2019,VTI介质弹性体波模式解耦高效算法: 石油地球物理勘探,54(5), 1014-1023.
     Lun Ruan, Jiubing Cheng, 2019, Efficient algorithm of elastic wave mode decoupling in VTI media: Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 54(5), 1041-1023.

    Tengfei Wang, Jiubing Cheng*, Qiang Guo and Chenlong Wang, 2018. Elastic wave-equation-based reflection kernel analysis and traveltime inversion using mode decomposition: Geophysical Journal International, 215(1),450–470, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy291.
    Peng Zou, Jiubing Cheng*, 2018. Pseudo-spectral method using rotated staggered grid for elastic wave propagation in 3D arbitrary anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting, 66(1), 47-61.
    Xinchao Yang*, Long Teng, Jingnan Li and Jiubing Cheng, 2018, Bayesian linearized AVF inversion for quality factor and its application: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15, 751-758. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-2140/aa91f0.

    T.F. Wang, J.B. Cheng*, 2017 Elastic full-waveform inversion based on mode decomposition: the approach and mechanism: Geophysical Journal International,209(2), 606~622.
    Yanadet Sripanich,Sergey Fomel,Junzhe Sun,Jiubing Cheng,2017.Elastic wave vector decomposition in heterogeneous anisotropic media: Geophysical Prospecting,65(5),1231–1245.

    Chenlong Wang, Jiubing Cheng*, and Børge Arntsen, 2016. Scalar and vector imaging based on wave mode decoupling for elastic reverse time migration in isotropic and transversely isotropic media. GEOPHYSICS, 81(5), S383-S398. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2015-0704.1
    Jiubing Cheng*, Tariq Alkhalifah, Zedong Wu, Peng Zou, and Chenlong Wang, 2016, Simulating propagation of decoupled elastic waves using low-rank approximate mixed-domain integral operators for anisotropic media. GEOPHYSICS, 81(2), T63-T77. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2015-0184.1
    Jiubing Cheng* and Wei Kang, 2016. Simulating propagation of separated wave modes in general anisotropic media, Part II: qS-wave propagators. GEOPHYSICS, 81(2), C39-C52. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2015-0253.1
    Ehsan Zabihi Naeini*,Ilya Tsvankin,Tariq Alkhalifah,Nishant Kamath,Jiubing Cheng,2016.Main components of full-waveform inversion for reservoir characterization,First Break,34:37~48.

    Cheng Jiubing* and Kang Wei, 2014, Simulating propagation of separated wave modes in general anisotropic media, Part I: P-wave propagators: Geophysics, 79 (1), C1-C18.
    Cheng Jiubing* and Sergey Fomel, 2014, Fast algorithms of elastic wave mode separation and vector decomposition using low-rank approximation for anisotropic media: Geophysics: 79 (4), C97–C110.
    Zhao Luanxiao, Geng Jianhua, Cheng Jiubing, Han Dehua and Guo Tonglou, 2014, Rock physics based probabilitic lithofacies prediction: A case study in a heterogeneous carbonate reservoir of Sichuan Basin, SW China : Geophysics: 79(5),M25–M34.
    滕龙*,程玖兵, 贝叶斯框架下联合AVA反演与统计岩石物理的储层参数估计:石油地球物理勘探,2014,49(04), 729-738.
     Cheng J B.*, Chen M G, Wang T F, et al,2014, Description of qP-wave propagation in anisotropic media: Part II: Separation of pure-mode scalar waves: Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 57(10), 3389-3401.

     Duan P.F., Cheng J.B., Chen S.P., and He G.M., 2013, Local angle-domain ray-tracing and prestack depth migration in TI medium: Chinese J. of Geophysics (in Chinese), 56(1), 269-279.
     Duan P.F., Cheng J.B., Chen A.P., and He G.M., 2013, Local angle-domain gaussian beam prestack depth migration in a TI medium: Chinese J. of Geophysics (in Chinese), 56(12), 4206-4214.
     Wang C. L., Cheng J. B., Yin C. and Liu H., 2013, Microseismic events location of surface and borehole observation with reverse time focusing using interferometry technique: Chinese J. of Geophysics(in Chinese), 56(9), 3184-3196.
     Cheng J B, Kang W, Wang T F, 2013, Description of qP-wave propagation in anisotropic media, Part I: Pseudo-pure-mode wave equations: Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 56(10).

    Cheng Jiubing*, Wang Tengfei, Wang Chenlong, and Geng Jianhua, 2012, Azimuth-preserved local angle-domain prestack time migration in isotropic, vertical transversely isotropic and azimuthally anisotropic media: Geophysics, 77, 2, S51-S64.
     Kang Wei, Cheng Jiu-Bing. 2012, Pseudo-acoustic wave equations for reverse-time migration in TI media: Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 55(3),1033-1045.
    滕龙*,程玖兵,基于常规测井数据的纵波本征衰减估计:地球物理学进展,2012,27(02) 688-695.

    Cheng J.*, Geng J., Wang H. and Ma Z., 2011, 3D Kirchhoff prestack time migration in average illumination-azimuth and incident-angle domain for isotropic and vertical transversely isotropic media: Geophysics, 76, 1, S15-S27.
    程玖兵*,马在田,针对目标的方位保真局部角度域成像方法:石油地球物理勘探: 2011,46(03),374-385.
    朱金平,董良国*,程玖兵,基于地震照面向勘探目标的三维观测系统优化设计:石油地球物理勘探,2011,46(03), 339-348.
    刘玉柱*,程玖兵,董良国, 面向起伏地表偏移成像的表层静校正方法: 石油物探,2012, 51(06), 584-589.

    程玖兵*,王楠,马在田,表驱三维角度域Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移成像方法:地球物理学报,2009, 52(3),792-800.
     Cheng Jiu-Bing*, Wang Nan and Ma Zaitian, 2009, Table-Driven 3-D Angle-Domain Imaging Approach for Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration: Chinese J. Geophys., 52(2),461-470.
    Kai Yang*, Hong-Ming Zheng, Li wang, Yu-Zhu Liu, Fan Jiang, Jiu-Bing Cheng, Zai-Tian Ma, 2009, Application of an integrated wave-equation datuming scheme to overthrust data: A case history from the Chinese foothills: Geophysics, 74, 5, B153-B165.

    Cheng J B*, Ma Z T, Geng J H and Wang H Z, Double-square-root one-way wave equation prestack tau migration in heterogeneous media: Geophysical Prospecting, 2008, 56, 69-85.
    Wang Di*, Zheng Xiaodong, Cheng Jiubing, Wang Huazhong and Ma zaitian, 2008, Amplitude- preserving plane-wave prestack time migration for AVO analysis: Applied Geophyisics,5(3), 212-218.

    程玖兵*,马在田 耿建华 王华忠,双平方根单程波动方程叠前τ偏移方法:地球物理学报,2007,50(1),260-267.
     Cheng J B, Ma Z T, Geng J H and Wang H Z, 2007, DSR one-way wave equation prestack ô- migration: Chinese J. Geophys., 50(1), 241-248.
    刘守伟*,程玖兵,王华忠,马在田,2007, 偏移距域/ 角度域共成像点道集与偏移速度的关系:地球科学———中国地质大学学报,32(4)575-582.

    Zhang K*, Cheng J B, Ma Z T and Zhang W, 2006, Pre-stack time migration and velocity analysis methods with common scatter-point gathers: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,3(3), 283-289.

    程玖兵*,王华忠,马在田,窄方位地震数据双平方根方程偏移方法探讨:地球物理学报, 2005, 48(2) 399-405.
     Cheng J B, Wang H Z, Ma Z T, 2005,Double square root equation migration methods of narrow azimuth seismic data. Chinese J. Geophys., 48(2), 399-405.

    陈秀梅*,王华忠,程玖兵,陈生昌,马在田,胡中标, 2004,地表旋转控制照明叠前深度偏移: 地球物理学报, 47(2),306-311.
     Chen X M, Wang H Z, Cheng J B, Chen S C, Ma Z T, Hu Z B, 2004, Prestack depth migration by surface rotation controlled illumination, Chinese J. Geophys., 47(2), 306-311.
    程玖兵*,马在田,陶正喜,朱敏,方伍宝,孔祥宁,山前带复杂构造成像方法研究:石油地球物理勘探,2006,41(5), 525-529.

     Cheng J B, Wang H Z, Ma Z T, 2003, DSR-based wave equation 3-D prestack depth migration: Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 46(5), 676-683.

    程玖兵*,王华忠,马在田,频率-空间域有限差分法叠前深度偏移:地球物理学报,2001,44(3), 389-395.
     Cheng J B, Wang H Z, Ma Z T, 2001, Pre-stack depth migration with finite-difference method in frequency-space domain, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 44(3), 389-395.
    程玖兵*,王华忠,马在田,波动方程共炮检距道集叠深度偏移:石油地球物理勘探,2001, 36(5), 526-532.


    专利 | Patents
    随钻测井与地层格架约束的井周地震成像探测方法及装置,发明人: 程玖兵,朱峰,王腾飞,耿建华,专利权人:同济大学,专利号:ZL201911351361.X,  专利申请日:2019年12月24日,授权公告日:2020年11月27日. | Cheng Jiubing, Zhu Feng, Wang Tengfei,  Geng Jianhua, Around well seismic imaging constrained by well-log during drilling and stratigraphic framework, 2020.11, China, patent No.: ZL201911351361.X.
    针对储层含油气性检测的角度域叠前偏移数据处理方法,发明人: 程玖兵,耿建华,专利权人:同济大学,专利号:201010579495.X,  专利申请日:2010年12月8日,授权公告日:2013年10月16日. | Cheng Jiubing, Geng Jianhua, Approach of angle-domain prestack migration of seismic data for petrolum reservoir detection, 2012.07, China, patent No.: 201010579495.X.
    基于方位保真角度域成像的裂缝型油气储层地震探测方法,发明人: 程玖兵,马在田, 专利权人:同济大学,专利号:2010105794911,专利申请日:2010年12月8日,授权公告日:2014年6月25日. | Cheng Jiubing, Ma Zaitian, Approach of fractured reservoir detection based on azimuth-preserved angle-domain seismic imaging, patent No.: 2010105794911.



    研究生课程  | Graduate Student Course
    各向异性与多分量地震学 | Anisotropy and Multicomponent Seismology
    地球物理学进展(讲座) | Lecture for geophysics advances

    本科生课程  | Undergraduate Student Course
    地震波理论 | Theory of seismic waves
    数字信号处理 | Digital Signal Processing
    计算机地学应用(Linux编程入门与进阶)| Applications of Computer in Geoscience–Introduction & Advance of Linux Programming

    本科生毕业论文获奖 | Undergraduate Student‘s Thesis Award
    2013年 尚颖霞 同济大学优秀毕业设计(论文)奖 《局部角度域成像基础上的地震方位各向异性分析》
    2010年 康玮    同济大学优秀毕业设计(论文)奖  《TI介质拟声波方程逆时偏移成像方法》



  • 学术活动及社会服务


    Geophysics, GJI, Geophysical Prospecting, Pure and Applied Geophysics等地球物理专业期刊审稿人


    加拿大University of Calgary地球物理研究组-CREWES组兼职研究员

  • 荣誉

    • 2021年 上海市科学技术进步一等奖 《南海深水盆地大型储集体识别理论技术与油气重大发现》

      2013年 第四届刘光鼎地球物理青年科学技术奖

      2010年 中国石油学会物探研讨会一等奖 《针对储层与油气分布预测的方位保真局部角度域成像方法》

      2010年 同济大学教学奖励金教学系列二等奖

      2006年 上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖 《波动方程叠前深度偏移精确成像方法》

      2006年 同济大学优秀青年教师

      2003年 上海市科学技术进步二等奖 《多波地震资料处理方法》
