

sv_hohl @ tongji.edu.cn

  • 教育背景

    2004-2011:University of Bonn – Steinmann Institue [Bonn, Germany] ,Diplom in GeologyB.Sc(M.Sc、Ph.D)

    2011-2015:Freie Universität Berlin – Institute of Earth Sciences [Berlin, Germany],Doctoral degree in Geology/Geochemistry

  • 工作经历

    2008:Rabaul Volcanological Observatory [Rabaul, Papua New Guinea],Scientific internship;

    2008.08-2010.12:University of Bonn – Steinmann Institute [Bonn, Germany],Student helper in the workgroup of C. Münker;

    2011.04-2015.10: Freie Universität Berlin – Institute of Earth Sciences [Berlin, Germany],Scientific staff;

    2015.11-2018.11:University of Nanjing – State Key Lab. for Mineral Resources Res. [Nanjing, P.R. China],Postdoctoral researcher;

    2019.01-today:Tongji University – State Key Laboratory for Marine Geology [Shanghai, P.R. China],Associated researcher

  • 教学与科研成果

    Research interests:


    2.Chemical Geology

    3.Economic Geology

    4.Precambrian Research

    5.Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology

    6.Applied Geochemistry



    1.S.V. Hohl, H. Becker, S.-Y. Jiang, H.-F. Ling, Q. Guo, U. Struck, 2017: Geochemistry of Ediacaran cap dolostones across the Yangtze Platform, South China: implications for diagenetic modification and seawater chemistry in the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation. Journal of the Geological Society 174(5): 893-892. DOI:10.1144/jgs2016-145

    2.S.V. Hohl, S.J.G. Galer, A. Gamper, H. Becker, 2016: Cadmium isotope variations in Neoproterozoic carbonates - A tracer of biologic production?  Geochemical Perspectives Letters 9/2016 (2017) 3, 32-44. DOI:10.7185/geochemlet.1704

    3.S.V. Hohl, H. Becker, A. Gamper, S.Y. Jiang, U. Wiechert, J.H. Yang, H.Z. Wei, 2015: Secular changes of water chemistry in shallow-water Ediacaran ocean: Evidence from carbonates at Xiaofenghe, Three Gorges area, Yangtze Platform, South China. Precambrian Research 09/2015; 270(270):50-79. DOI:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.09.006

    4.S.V. Hohl, H. Becker, S. Herzlieb, Q. Guo, 2015: Multiproxy constraints on alteration and primary compositions of Ediacaran deep-water carbonate rocks, Yangtze Platform, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 05/2015; 163. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.037

    5.S.V. Hohl, S. Schuth, S. König, D. Garbe-Schönberg, J. Kuduon & C. Münker. Geochemical signatures of the Rabaul Volcanic Complex, Papua New Guinea - insights from the HFSE, Sr, Nd, Hf and Fe isotopes. Submitted to Chemical Geology

    6.S.V. Hohl, S.-Y. Jiang, H.-Z. Wei, D.-H. Pi, Q. Liu, S. Viehmann & S. J. G. Galer. Cd Isotopes reveal episodic bio-geochemical metal cycling at the verge of the Cambrian animal evolution. Submitted to GCA
