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2. 国家青年人才计划,环境与地球科学, 2015-2018年,负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金,全新世东亚季风变化及其降水同位素特征,2019-2022,负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金,基于氢氧稳定同位素的海河流域水文过程研究,2012-2015,负责人

5. 日本JSPS研究基金,Integrating water isotopes and GCM modeling for understanding Pacific North

   American pattern influence on hydroclimate in North America,2011-2013,负责人



1.Liu, Z., Risi, C., Codron, F., He, X., Poulsen, C. J., Wei, Z., ... & Bowen, G. J. (2021). Acceleration of western Arctic sea ice loss linked to the Pacific North American pattern. Nature Communications, 12, 1519

2.Liu, Z., He, X., Ma, W., & Wang, Y. (2020). Robust increases in extreme Pacific North American events under greenhouse warming. GRL, 47(1), e2019GL086309

3.Liu, Z., Jian, Z., Poulsen, C. J., & Zhao, L. (2019). Isotopic evidence for twentieth-century weakening of the Pacific Walker circulation. EPSL, 507, 85-93

4.Liu, Z., Tang, Y., Jian, Z., Poulsen, C. J., Welker, J. M., & Bowen, G. J. (2017). Pacific North American circulation pattern links external forcing and North American hydroclimatic change over the past millennium. PNAS, 114(13): 3340~3345

5.Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., Jian, Z., & Zhao, L. (2017). The response of winter Pacific North American pattern to strong volcanic eruptions.Climate Dynamics, 48(11-12), 3599-3614

6.Liu, Z., Jian, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., Poulsen, C. J., & Bowen, G. J. (2015). Recent contrasting winter temperature changes over North America linked to enhanced positive Pacific-North American pattern.  GRL, 42(18), 7750-7757

7.Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Bowen, G. J., Buenning, N. H., Risi, C., Welker, J. M., & Yuan, F. (2014). Paired oxygen isotope records reveal modern North American atmospheric dynamics during the Holocene. Nature Communications, 5, 3701

8.Liu, Z., Yoshmura, K., Bowen, G. J., & Welker, J. M. (2014). Pacific–North American teleconnection controls on precipitation isotopes across the contiguous United States and adjacent regions: A GCM-based analysis. Journal of Climate, 27(3), 1046-1061

9.Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., & He, X. (2014). Solar cycle modulation of the Pacific–North American teleconnection influence on North American winter climate. ERL, 9(2), 024004

10.Liu, Z., Bowen, G. J., Welker, J. M., & Yoshimura, K. (2013). Winter precipitation isotope slopes of the contiguous USA and their relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern. Climate Dynamics, 41(2), 403-420

11.Liu, Z., Kennedy, C. D., & Bowen, G. J. (2011). Pacific/North American teleconnection controls on precipitation isotope ratios across the contiguous United States. EPSL, 310(3-4), 319-326

12.Liu, Z., Bowen, G. J., & Welker, J. M. (2010). Atmospheric circulation is reflected in precipitation isotope gradients over the conterminous United States. JGR, 115(D22)

13.Liu, Z., Tian, L., Chai, X., & Yao, T. (2008). A model-based determination of spatial variation of precipitation d18O over China. Chemical Geology, 249(1-2), 203-212







