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1. 晚第四纪中-低纬水/热循环的岁差周期“主旋律”,阐明该周期上亚洲冬/夏季风演变的物理机制、以及识别出与季风密切耦合的热带海洋变化模态(如印度洋偶极子,太平洋类厄尔尼诺),有效减少古海洋重建记录解释的不确定性,形成对亚-印-太区域气候平均态演变规律的新认识,为轨道尺度古气候的热带驱动假说提供数值模拟支撑;
2. 关注上新世暖期以来,热带印度样-太平洋的上层海洋热含量变化及其相关的大气水循环演变特征,探索不同气候背景下的海洋温跃层环流圈与热带大气环流(季风、Hadley环流,Walker环流)演变历史与驱动机制,对比评估地质历史暖期与未来全球变暖背景下气候变化趋势。


1. “印度洋偶极子驱动的暖池水循环d18O模拟及其古海洋校验”(编号41976047),2020.1-2023.12,64万,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人;
2. “岁差驱动的热带太平洋类ENSO型古气候响应”(编号41606045),2017.1-2019.12,20万,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人;
3. “轨道尺度热带太平洋气候演变的多模式-多指标对比”,(项目号10120172016KJ005),2017.1-2018.12,5万,同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划项目,负责人;
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(编号2014M550913),2014.5-2015.12,5万,负责人;


[1] 王跃,翦知湣,赵平. 末次盛冰期太平洋赤道辐合带对暖池外热带海表温度变化的敏感性. 第四纪研究,2009, 29(2): 221-231.
[2] 王跃,翦知湣,赵平. 末次盛冰期热带降雨对低纬表层海温的敏感性. 第四纪研究,2011, 31(2):  244-255.
[3] Wang Yue, Jian ZhiMin, and Zhao Ping, Extratropical modulation on Asian summer monsoon at precessional bands, Geophysical Research Letters, 2012, 39, L14803, doi:10.1029/2012GL052553.
[4] Wang Yue, Jian ZhiMin, Zhao Ping, Dang Haowen, Xiao Dong. Solar forced transient evolution of Pacific upper water thermal structure during the Holocene in an earth system model of intermediate complexity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58 (15): 1832-1837. Doi:10.1007/s11434-012-5576-2
Chinese version:王跃,翦知湣,赵平,党皓文,肖栋. 全新世太阳活动驱动的太平洋上层热力结构的瞬变演化. 科学通报, 2013,58(4):379-384.
[5] Wang Yue, Zhao Ping, Jian Zhimin, Xiao Dong, and Chen Junming. Precessional forced extratropical North Pacific mode and associated atmospheric dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 2014, 119(6), 3732-3745, doi:10.1002/2013JC009765.
[6] Wang Yue, Jian Zhimin, Zhao Ping, Chen Junming, and Xiao Dong. Precessional forced evolution of the Indian Ocean Dipole. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 2015,120(5), 3747-3760, doi:10.1002/2015JC010713.
[7] Wang Yue, Jian Zhimin, Zhao Ping, Xiao Dong, and Chen Junming. Relative roles of land- and ocean-atmosphere interactions in Asian-Pacific thermal contrast variability at the precessional band, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 28349, doi:10.1038/srep28349.
[8]王跃,黄恩清,2018,末次冰期千年尺度气候波动的南北半球不对称性. In: 10000个科学难题. 海洋科学卷(海洋地质学),“10000个科学难题”海洋科学编委会,科学出版社,北京,p626-630
[9]王跃,翦知湣,2018,全新世百年尺度海洋气候波动的归因. In: 10000个科学难题. 海洋科学卷(海洋地质学),“10000个科学难题”海洋科学编委会,科学出版社,北京,p631-635
[10] Wang Y., Jian Z.M., Zhao P., Xu K., Dang H.W., Liu Z.F., Xiao D., Chen J.M. (2019) Precessional forced zonal triple-pole anomalies in the tropical Pacific annual cycle. Journal of Climate, 32(21), 7369-7402. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0668.1
[11] Jian Z.M., Wang Y., Dang H.W., Lea D., Liu Z.Y., Jin H.Y., Yin Y.Q. (2020). Half-precessional cycle of thermocline temperature in the western equatorial Pacific and its bi-hemispheric dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117(13):7044-7051, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1915510117.
[12] Huang E., Wang P., Wang Y., Yan M., Tian J., Li S., Ma W. (2020). Dole effect as a measurement of the low-latitude hydrological cycle over the past 800 ka. Science Advances, 6(41): eaba4823. Doi:10.1126/sciadv.aba4823.
[13] Dang H.W., Jian Z.M. Wang Y., Mohtadi M., Rosenthal Y.,Ye L.M., Bassinot F., Kuhnt W. (2020). Pacific warm pool subsurface heat sequestration modulated Walker circulation and ENSO activity during the Holocene. Science Advances, 6(42): eabc0402. Doi:10.1126/sciadv.abc0402.
[14] 黄恩清, 赵蔓, 王跃, & 田军. (2020),第四纪热带西太平洋表层海水氧同位素的岁差周期. 第四纪研究,40(6): 1464-1473.
[15] 陈越,王跃,党皓文,翦知湣. (2021). 南海东北部末次盛冰期以来的水文气候变化. 第四纪研究, 41(4):1031-1043.
