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1. Zhao, X., Jin, F., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Cong, Z., Li, Z., Tang, J*. 2022. Numerical Study of Fracture Dynamics in Different Shale Fabric Facies by Integrating Machine Learning and 3-D Lattice Method: A Case from Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 218: 110861. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110861.

2. Wang, H., Yue, A., Zhang, X., Tang, J*., He, X., Luo, X., Han, B. 2022. Bulk Density Response and Experimental Study of Pulsed Neutron-Gamma Density Logging. Frontiers in Earth Science. 10: 214. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.803775.

3. Cong, Z., Li, Y., Tang, J., Martyushev, D., Hubuqin, Yang, F. 2022. Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Height Layer-through Propagation Based on Three-dimensional Lattice Method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 264:108331. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108331.

4.Zhao, W., Hu, F., Tang, J., Liu, T., Li, C. 2022. An Approach to Calculate Bound Water Saturation by NMR Logging Spectral Coefficient Method. Acta Geophysica. doi: 10.1007/s11600-021-00635-0.

5. Wang, X., Zhang, F., Tang, M., Du, X., Tang, J. 2022. Effect of Stress Shadow Caused by Multistage Fracturing from Multiple Well Pads on Fracture Initiation and Near-wellbore Propagation from Infill Wells. SPE Journal. 27(01):204-225. doi:10.2118/208577-PA.

6. Liu, Z., Feng, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Zou, L., Tang, J*. 2022. Fracture height prediction model considering bedding layers effect and construction optimization approach for Weiyuan shale gas reservoirs. Well Logging Technology. 46 (1): 114-121.



7.Tang, J., Fan, B., Xiao, L., Tian, S., Zhang, F., Zhang, L., Weitz, D. 2021. A New Ensemble Machine Learning Framework for Searching Sweet Spots in Shale Reservoirs. SPE Journal. 26(01):482-497. doi:10.2118/204224-PA.

8.Zhang, F., Wang, X., Tang, M., Du, X., Xu, C., Tang, J*., Damjanac, B. 2021. Numerical Investigation on Hydraulic Fracturing of Extreme Limited Entry Perforating in Plug-and-Perforation Completion of Shale Oil Reservoir in Changqing Oilfield, China. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 54:2925-2941. doi:10.1007/s00603-021-02450-x.

9.Jin, S., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Mo, S., Zhang, F., Tang, J*. 2021. Evaluation Approach of Rock Brittleness Index for Fracturing Acidizing Based on Energy Evolution Theory and Damage Constitutive Relation. Lithosphere. Special 4:2864940. doi:10.2113/2021/2864940.

10.Fan, Y., Tang, J*., Chen, W., Zhang, Z., Tang, B., Yang, W., 2021. Fracturing optimization design of spiral perforation completion in tight sandstone channel. Well Logging Technology. 45(6): 1004-1338.

11.Zhang, F., Huang, L., Yang, L., Dontsov, E., Weng, D., Liang, H., Yin, Z., Tang, J. 2021. Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Depletion-induced Stress Reorientation on Infill Well Hydraulic Fracture Propagation. Petroleum Science. Accepted. doi:10.1016/j.petsci.2021.09.014.



12.Zhang, F., Jiang, Z., Chen, Z., Yin, Z., Tang, J*. 2020. Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Fault Slip and Casing Shear in Sichuan Basin: A Multi-scale Numerical Investigation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 195: 107797. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107797.

13.Xie, J., Tang, J*, Yong, R., Fan, Y., Zuo, L., Chen, X., Li, Y. 2020. A 3-D Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Model Applied for Shale Gas Reservoirs with Multiple Bedding Planes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 228:106872. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.106872.

14.Li, Y., Long, M., Tang, J*., Chen, M., Fu, X. 2020. A Hydraulic Fracture Height Mathematical Model Considering the Influence of Plastic Region at Fracture Tip. Petroleum Exploration and Development. 47(1): 184-195. doi:10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60017-9.

15.Zhang, L., Abbaspourrad, A., Parsa, S., Tang, J., Cassiola, F., Zhang, M., Tian, S., Dai, C., Xiao, L., Weitz, D. 2020. Core–Shell Nanohydrogels with Programmable Swelling for Conformance Control in Porous Media. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12(30): 34217-34225. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c09958.

16.Tian, S., Zhang, P., Sheng, M., Wang, T., Tang, J., Xiao, L. 2020. Modification of Microscopic Properties of Shale by Carbonic Acid Treatment: Implications for CO2-Based Fracturing in Shale Formations. Energy & Fuels. 34(3): 3458-3466. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b03772.



17.Tang, J*., Wu, K., Zuo, L., Xiao, L., Sun, S., Ehlig-Economides, C. 2019. Investigation of Rupture and Slip Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracture in Multiple-layered Formation. SPE Journal. 24(05): 2292-2307. doi:10.2118/197054-PA.

18.Tang, J*., Ehlig-Economides, C., Fan, B., Cai, B., Mao, W. 2019. A Microseismic-based Fracture Properties Characterization and Visualization Model for the Selection of Infill Wells in Shale Reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 67: 147-159. doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2019.04.014.

19.Tang, J*., Li, J., Tang, M., Du, X., Yin, J., Guo, X., Wu, K., Xiao, L. 2019. Investigation of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures Evolution and Well Performance in Lacustrine Shale Oil Reservoirs Considering Stress Heterogeneity. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 218: 106569. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106569.

20.Li, Y., Zhao, Y., Tang, J*., Zhang, L., Zhou, Y., Zhu, X., Jia, D., Chen, M. 2019. Rock Damage Evolution Model of Pulsating Fracturing Based on Energy Evolution Theory. Energy Science and Engineering. 00: 1-18. doi:10.1002/ese3.567.

21.Guo, X., Wu, K., An, C., Tang, J., Killough, J. 2019. Numerical Investigation of Effects of Subsequent Parent Well Injection on Interwell Fracturing Interference Using Reservoir-Geomechanics-Fracturing Modeling. SPE Journal. 24(04): 1884-1902. doi:10.2118/195580-PA.

22.Guo, X., Wu, K., Killough, J., Tang, J. 2019. Understanding the Mechanism of Interwell Fracturing Interference Based on Reservoir-Geomechanics-Fracturing Modeling in Eagle Ford Shale. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 22(03): 842-860. doi:10.2118/194493-PA.

23.Chen, X., Chen, Y., Zou, L., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Tang, J., McClements, D., Liu, W. 2019. Plant-Based Nanoparticles Prepared from Proteins and Phospholipids Consisting of a Core-Multilayer-Shell Structure: Fabrication, Stability, and Foamability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(23): 6574-6584. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.9b02028.



24.Tang, J., Wu, K., Zeng, B., Huang, H., Hu, X., Guo, X., Zuo, L. 2018. Investigate Effects of Weak Bedding Interfaces on Fracture Geometry in Unconventional Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 165: 992-1009. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2017.11.037.

25.Tang, J., Wu, K. 2018. A 3-D Model for Simulation of Weak Interface Slippage for Fracture Height Containment in Shale Reservoirs. 2018. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 144-145: 248-264. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.05.007.

26.Tang, J*., Wu, K., Li, Y., Hu, X., Liu, Q., Ehlig-Economides, C. 2018. Numerical Investigation of the Interactions between Hydraulic Fracture and Bedding Planes with Non-orthogonal Approach Angle. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 200: 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.07.010.

27.Xie, J., Huang, H., Ma, H., Zeng, B., Tang, J., Yu, W., Wu, K. 2018. Numerical Investigation of Effect of Natural Fractures on Hydraulic-fracture Propagation in Unconventional Reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 54: 143-153. doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2018.04.006.

28.Hu, X., Wu, K., Song, X., Yu, W., Tang, J., Li, G., Shen, Z. 2018. A New Model for Simulating Particle Transport in A Low-viscosity Fluid for Fluid-driven Fracturing. AIChE Journal. 64(9): 3542-3552. doi:10.1002/aic.16183.

29.Hu, X., Wu, K., Li, G., Tang, J., Shen, Z. 2018. Effect of Proppant Addition Schedule on the Proppant Distribution in A Straight Fracture for Slickwater Treatment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 167: 110-119. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2018.03.081.









