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(1) Du, Y., Qin Y., Chu D., He S., Zhang, J.*, Wang, G., Wang, Y.P., 2023. Spatial and temporal variability of suspended sediment fronts over the Yangtze Bank in the Yellow and East China Seas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 288: 108361.

(2) Du, Y., Zhang, J. *, Wei, Z., Yin, W., Wu, H., Yuan, Y., Wang, Y.P., 2022. Spatio-temporal Variability of Suspended Sediment Fronts (SSFs) on the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea: The Contribution of Multiple Factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127.

(3) Du, Y., Wang, D., Zhang, J. *, Wang, Y.P., Fan, D., 2021. Estimation of initial conditions for surface suspended sediment simulations with the adjoint method: a case study in Hangzhou Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 104526.

(4) Du, Y., Lin, H., He, S., Wang, D., Wang, Y.P., Zhang, J. *, 2021. Tide-induced variability and mechanisms of surface suspended sediment in the zhoushan Archipelago along the southeastern coast of China based on GOCI data. Remote Sensing, 13 (5), 929.

(5) 杜云飞,张继才,王道胜*。杭州湾三维悬浮泥沙输运模型初始场的伴随法反演研究。海洋与湖沼,2020,51 (5):1025-1042.

(6) Wei, Z., Jiao X., Du, Y., Zhang J.*, Pan H., Wang G., Wang D., Wang, Y.P., 2023. The temporal variations of principal and shallow-water tidal constituents and their application in tidal level calculation: an example in Zhoushan Archipelagoes with complex bathymetry. Ocean & Coastal Management, 237: 106516.

(7) Qian, S., Du, Y., Wei Z., Zhang J. *, Cheng J., Wang D., Wang, Y.P., 2023. Effects of spatial bottom friction parameterization scheme on the tidal dynamics in the macrotidal East China Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10: 1085118.

(8) Xu, P., Du, Y., Zheng, Q., Che, Z. *, Zhang, J. *, 2021. Numerical Study on Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Cold Front-Induced Waves along the Southeastern Coast of China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12), 1452.

(9) Wei, Z., Jiao, X., Zhang, J. *, Du, Y., Rong, Z., Wu, H., Wang, Y.P., 2022. Dynamic Cause of the Sudden Death Event of Small Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in the East China Sea in Winter 2017. Frontiers in Marine Science 9.

(10) Chu, D., Niu, H., Wang, Y.P., Cao, A., Li, L., Du, Y., Zhang, J. *, 2021. Numerical study on tidal duration asymmetry and shallow-water tides within multiple islands: An example of the Zhoushan Archipelago. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 107576.
